recent artworks
The current and upcoming works are slightly different from the ones produced so far, in terms of subject there is a shift, from the human figure to its context, but the gestural path as much as a perpetual perception of ongoing processes depict that presence in a different frame, where a less visceral representation of the flesh, leave space to the realm of more palpable inner gaze, where the perceptions, observations, memories, fears of the outer world and the constant passage of time arise. 

The inspiring themes are colourful and varied. Reflections from subjects as distant from each other as biology, anthropology and philosophical aesthetics, have intertwined and contributed significantly to the conception of the new series.

Significant philosophical influences are also taken into account from the 'theory of formativity' of the Italian philosopher Luigi Pareyson, to the "A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful" of Edmund Burke.